Disclosure and TOU

Terms of Use

Thanks so much for visiting my site. This website is intended to provide helpful resources to school counselors and other mental health professionals who work with children. I work very hard on it so please remember to follow my terms and conditions. Everything on this website is created by me and it may not be copied, redistributed, adapted, or reproduced in any way. You may share content with friends and colleagues but please be mindful to include the link and credit the site. 

Affiliate Disclosure 

Bright Futures Counseling is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. 

Some posts on brightfutures-counseling.com may contain affiliate links for which I receive a commission. I only promote products and services that I have used myself, love, and trust.


Bright Futures Counseling will never use, sell or give away any personally-identifying information.  Information that this website might automatically collect from you when you comment on a post, visit the site or sign up for the newsletter (i.e. your name, e-mail address, etc.) is for internal use only.